Pyramide of the Sun in Bosnia
In Bodhgaya, India
Tunnel under the Sun Pyramide of Bosnia
Pyramide of the Sun in Bosnia
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Beautiful Sunrise over the Pyramid of the Sun in Bosnia
When going to the tunnels, one enters throughout this entrance where one has to wear a helmet as protection
Walking through the tunnels in Bosnia
In the beginning of the tunnels of Bosnia
Near the entrance to the tunnels under the pyramid of the sun in Bosnia, there is this small ceramic stone
One of the more powerful places of the tunnel under the pyramid of the Sun in Bosnia, is the K2. A stone of ceramic which a powerful energy
We also use a huge crystal singing bowl to meditate in the tunnels of Bosnia
Tunnel in Bosnia. Under the Pyramid of the Sun
In the tunnels of the pyramids of Bosnia. Always something else to feel
In the tunnels of the pyramids of Bosnia, anything can happen. Anything can appear with no explication
This is till now the biggest stone of ceramic found in the tunnels of the pyramid in Bosnia. Still more things to find out
Just being quiet, one can feel things, no matter if you believe or not
Anybody taking pictures in the tunnels, can see many different things and forms appearing
The pyramid of the sun of Bosnia, from above
The top of the pyramid of the Sun in Bosnia
From the top of the pyramid of the Sun in Bosnia, from where one can see our Lodge
On the side of the Pyramid of the Sun in Bosnia, there is still a excavation site
Pyramid of the Moon in Bosnia